BC Wood
BC Wood is a not-for-profit trade association that supports BC businesses that manufacture wood products.
BC Wood has represented British Columbia’s value-added wood products industry for 30 years. It is an industry-led association with a membership base of 120 wood products manufacturers and a board of directors that represents every value-added sector in every region of the province.
BC Wood envisions a growing and prosperous value-added wood products industry in BC that will ultimately surpass the primary forest sector in jobs, sales and investments made. To achieve this vision, BC Wood understands that it’s policies and procedures must reflect the priorities of all its’ stakeholders including employees, members communities, Indigenous peoples, customers, shareholders and government partners. An increasingly important theme in those stakeholder priorities is the support for furthering diversity and inclusion initiatives in the workplace.
Established in 1989 as a partnership between industry and government, BC Wood provides marketing programs to registered value-added manufacturers, which includes cost-shared participation in international tradeshows and events, out-going and incoming trade missions, lead generation, and networking opportunities. In addition, BC Wood members have access to an extensive resource library, both on-line and in our office.
BC Wood’s mandate is to assist BC’s secondary wood product manufacturers to grow faster by helping them access and exploit markets they would not otherwise enter. By diversifying the members’ market activities, the dollar value of BC fibre is maximized while the business risk is minimized.
Connecting people to inspire innovation in wood since 2012.